Friends of Palloures Symposium
Since 2015, the excavation project at Palloures, Cyprus, has uncovered over 20 buildings, 18 burials, and thousands of artefacts. The results have been published in renowned journals, and presented at international conferences. Now, we would like to share our findings with you in an online symposium dedicated to our project on May 27th, 19:30 – 21:30 CET organized by the Friends of Palloures Foundation. Program:
· Victor Klinkenberg (University of Cyprus) will give an overview of the project and show some of the major discoveries up till now.
· Bleda Düring (Leiden University) will reveal how Palloures has helped to understand the origin of metal use on Cyprus.
· Tijm Lanjouw (University of Amsterdam) will give a cyberspace-tour of the excavation.
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